- BEST STRENGTH — We can compound medications that contain just the right dose to treat the problem without causing unnecessary side effects, and eliminate the need to break or crush tablets or take multiple capsules.
- APPROPRIATE DOSAGE FORM — Medications can be prepared in the best dosage form or base to treat a specific problem. For example, a lollipop is ideal for keeping an antibiotic or antifungal in contact with an infected area in the mouth. Or, pet medications can be compounded into a cream to rub inside the ear.
- CONVENIENT TO USE — Taking multiple prescriptions can be inconvenient and costly. We can compound numerous compatible medications into a single capsule or topical preparation. Because customized medications are easier to use, compliance may improve.
- SUGAR-FREE, DYE-FREE, LACTOSE-FREE, GLUTEN-FREE, AND PRESERVATIVE-FREE —Elixirs, syrups, and suspensions may contain sugar which makes the preparation undesirable for diabetic patients or prolonged use in the mouth, or preservatives such as alcohol which can cause reactions or gastrointestinal irritation. Our compounding professionals can eliminate unnecessary inactive ingredients to provide sugar-free, dye-free, lactose-free, gluten-free, and preservative-free medications.
- FLAVORED TO PLEASE — We flavor medications to make them more patient-friendly and improve compliance. Do you know a child who doesn't like the flavor of his antibiotic? We can flavor medication to taste like a real banana, watermelon, or root beer. Someone who doesn't like sweet medications may find coffee flavor more appealing.
- UNAVAILABLE OR HARD-TO-FIND MEDICATIONS — Drugs may be temporarily unavailable, and pharmaceutical companies may stop making products for which there is limited demand. Using pharmaceutical quality ingredients, we can compound the best dose of the needed medication into a customized dosage form.